Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baby Steps

Nearly every Tuesday for the last four months my sister-in-law Karen and I have looked like this.

This is what is we do immediately after a brutal forty-five minute spin class.

Then on Thursdays we go to a yoga class our Stake President's wife offers in the Relief Society room of our church. This is not your slow-paced zen kind of yoga class. This is a feel your muscles quake and watch the beads of sweat fall from your forehead onto your mat kind of yoga class.

So in the interest of baby steps, this year I'd like to add another day of exercise into my week every four months so that by the end of the year I am exercising five times a week.

This month I've added an hour coulee hike every week with one of besties Melissa. 

My exercise plan is genius so far because I look forward to working out those three days every week!


  1. I agree - genius! I look forward to exercising on Tuesdays and Thursdays too!

  2. How great to be able to get out an exercise with friends! Who watches the boys? I enjoy my 2 or 3 workouts a week.
