Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Brotherly Love

I'm starting to get a glimpse of the future as Jonas, Rhett and Harland begin to play together on their own. What a blessing to have three boys within two years of each other to play together!

A few times a day I hear Jonas say:

"Want to play with me Harland?" or "Rhett Rhett Rooey!"

The other day Harland was fussing next to me on the couch so without a word Jonas brought a toy over, sat next to Harland, wrapped his arm around his shoulders and showed him how to play with it. Every so often he'd nuzzle his head against Harland's as they snuggled and played quietly. It was so beautiful.

Harland was giggling so hard while he and Rhett played peek-a-boo in the curtains.


  1. My heart is melting - these pictures are so adorable.
    (And Rhett looks like he has a pony tail in the first one!)

  2. So adorable! It is truly a blessing to have a houseful of boys! What fun they are already having. I love the curtain game that Rhett and Harland play- so cute.

  3. This is beyond adorable. I just love those boys!

  4. These are adorable!! Too cute!! It is so fun to watch siblings play together! They are lucky to have each other. Bailey always asks Walker if he wants to play with her!
