Saturday, April 6, 2013

Resurrection Lessons and an Easter Bunny

Jonas keeps telling Matt, Rhett, Harland and I that he wants to teach us a Jesus lesson. 
He corners one of us, grabs one of my manuals and says "Okay. Okay, I'm going to teach you a Jesus lesson". Then he'll talk about Jesus in a singsongy voice.

I taught him a simple resurrection lesson using a printout of an activity in the nursery manual which he taught the rest of us separately. 
He was so proud of himself and hearing him say"resurrection" made me feel like I was going to burst with pride myself.

Easter play dough with Eva.

Matt put together this sandbox that I'm counting on becoming the new "train table" around here. That is, I'm hoping it will encourage Jonas to independently play for a half an hour to an hour at a time.

Easter egg hunt at the farm. Jonas actually saw a bunny hopping through the field away from the trailer just before the easter egg hunt so that played out quite convincingly.

At Waterton throwing rocks in the lake and soaking up the sun on the beach.

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