Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lets go Riders Lets go!

Yesterday Edmonton was crawling with Riders fans. The closer it came to game time, the more crazy riders fans you would see getting ready for the big game. It's not hard to spot one on the street with a huge Roughriders flag or a watermelon helmet. The fans were flocking to Edmonton for revenge. The eskimos had stolen a win from them in the final minute of the game the weekend before and they weren't going to let them get away with it that easy. Revenge must be a strong motivator since it brought a record breaking crowd of 62,517 fans. The most Edmonton has seen this season is around 35,000. 62,517 is a new regular season record for the commonwealth stadium, and it just goes to show you how many Riders fans came to the game.

The Hunspergers jumped on the Rider wagon for a game and Marks horn blowing skills added some more decibels to the riders cheering efforts. We definitely didn't feel out of place cheering for the Riders with a huge fan base at the game. It was nice and close the whole game with the Riders coming out on top.
Royall and I have a soft spot for Saskatchewan and cheering for the riders lets us show our Saskatchewan pride. Yes Yes I know I live in Alberta now.... but living in Lloydminster has it's advantages. If I want some nice clean Saskatchewan air its only a few blocks away, and cheering for the Riders is totally legal!


  1. Hi Matty, Guess what? Jared and I are going to the GreenBay/Vikings game for Monday night football, in Minneapolis!!! Can't wait:-)

  2. GreenBay / Vikings! That would be an amazing game! I put my money on Favre and the Vikings. He may be old but he still knows how to win. Plus he needs to make GreenBay feel dumb for getting rid of him.

  3. Did you see THE pass in San Francisco with 2 sec. to go? Amazing! We attended afternoon conference in SLC today - another first for me. Tomorrow we're off to Minneapolis - all we need now is purple and gold paint:-)
