Thursday, September 3, 2009

School is Cool

School is back in session and I am seriously loving it. Being in a classroom with kids is really me in my element, thats where I come alive. I am always super busy and I have felt like crashing on the couch for a nap when I get home at 5 or 6 a couple days this week, but I am always excited to go at back to school at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. My kids are a bunch of busy, eager learners and they have been really good for me. Despite what people think, being a kid is just not simple when you are a kid. Each kid is so complex with their own set of insecurities, network of relationships, and interests. I love getting to know each kid and hearing their thoughts and opinions. They can be hilarious. Today one boy asked me if he could share jokes with another friend during class time, and I told him that instead he could write a joke on the board for the class the next morning. His face completely brightened and he looked at me like I was Santa Claus giving the best present ever. I love witnessing all those little moments. Teaching completes me.

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