Thursday, July 15, 2010


Swim Lessons. Jonas was tentative about swim lessons the first week. He loves the water, but he wasn't so sure about the noise and so many new faces. This week he has been warming up to it. At the beginning of the week I caught the fleeting chuckle or smile and yesterday Matt said he kept saying "Mom". But today he thought he'd really come out of his shy, serious swim class persona by unleashing all of his vocal powers. In other words he shrieked like a baby pterodactyl the entire time. It was pretty hilarious.

Jonas and I lay under some rustling trees on the grass this afternoon. Jonas was mesmerized by the sight of leaves swaying in the wind. I love watching his sense of wonder as he really sees things for the first time.

Matt, Jonas and I have been lucky to have Colton and Jordan stay with us this week while they install security systems in Lloyd. Unky Jordan is an old pro at feeding, changing (clothes only, I suspect Jordan won't change a diaper until he is forced to), and entertaining Jonas. And Uncle Colton, who used to adamantly insist that he wasn't comfortable holding any babies, has been sneaking kisses and confidently toting Jonas around. He also loves to tease!

The final painting frontier (sort of, the red bathroom needs yet another coat- we've already done 5!). I am very grateful for a husband who abounds in the great gifts of mathematical accuracy, attention to detail and patience. I didn't trust myself with this project beyond choosing the paint color so he did this one solo.


  1. Royall! So I happen to be in Cold Lake right now... which is somewhat close to Lloydminster I think? I thought maybe we could set up a day and I could come visit or some sort of thing like that. Just let me know... currently my days consist of dragging my air mattress into the back yard to read and nap.

  2. the bedroom looks great, I am guessing it is an upstairs bedroom as I see carpet on the floor, so is this Jonas's room or the master bedroom?

  3. I LOVE the stipes. Totally awesome and very subtle. Red is crazy huh! If I had known before you started I would have warned you. The red I use with my plaques took numerous coats as well!

  4. The stripes are in Jonas' room. I'll post pictures of the completed room soon. And Melissa I would LOVE to have you come out soon! My phone number is 780-875-1982.
