Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I went for my ultrasound today...

at long last. The baby is measuring 29 weeks and looking healthy. The technician wouldn't tell me the gender even after I hassled her a bit. She was adamant that it go in "the report" and then the doctor could tell me from "the report" at my next appointment on Monday.

She did however tell me one interesting thing I didn't know before...

The baby is in fact two babies and I am having twins!

That kind of explains the violent movements and the fact that I am as big now as I was with Jonas at the end of my last pregnancy. Apparently my Papa had two sisters who each had a set of twins, which I remember my Mom telling me growing up, along with "twins can skip a generation", but that family history always seemed like a bit of a reach to me. Even now I can't process that our family of three is soon to be a family of five!

My mind keeps racing with new thoughts. There is so much to buy, and research, and mentally prepare for, not least of which is the fact the twins come on average 3-4 weeks early, which means my due date of May 8 is probably more like April 10. That is going to come fast!


  1. BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that is crazy and totally AWESOME! That must have been a shock... I still can't believe it. Congratulations Royall, what a wonderful surprise.

  2. Ahh I can't believe it! This is so exciting. And hey, I have two weeks off from the last week of April on so I would love to come help if you need it! I can't wait to meet the two new babies!

  3. Oh my gosh!!!!! Congratulations Royall! I am so excited for you and Matt!
