Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby Gear

Week two of baby preparations is complete. The nursery is painted and there is a place for the babies to sleep, get changed and for all their things. We kept the nursery very, very simple. The bird mobile and curtains were vetoed as too feminine and at some point that diamond drum light will have to go. 

People have been so generous with lending and giving us things we only need to buy another crib (though the babies will sleep in same one for the first few months), another $25 IKEA high chair, a few bottles and maybe an extra baby sling/carrier. Last night we sold our single stroller and bought a gently used double stroller. I racked up a ton of mileage on our Valco walking and running to lose weight after I had Jonas and this time I'll be relying on long daily walks again. I figure I can carry one twin in the carrier and put the other twin and Jonas in the stroller to get us all out at the same time this spring/summer. I'm hoping Jonas will be content enough to sit for the 5K+ walks like we did everyday for months after he was born but that's probably too optimistic. I might just have to learn to breastfeed two babies simultaneously to burn a whopping 1200 calories a day to supplement the shorter walks!

And speaking of the babies, I got to see those cute little guys again (and another hilarious stick drawing) at my ultrasound yesterday. They're turned so they are watching each other and they have all their cute little feet piled up next to each other on my left side. Harland's face was difficult to see but Rhett is sprouting hair and his mouth looks suspiciously like Jonas and I's!

1 comment:

  1. that sounds crazy carry one twin and have the other twin with Jonas in the stroller. I can't wait to see these guys!
