Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Field Trip Time

Jonas' weekly dates with either Matt or I have been a huge hit over the past month. Jonas calls the Jeep the "Magic School Bus Jeep" when it whisks him away on one of our dates. A couple weeks ago I hired a babysitter so I could take Jonas to Whoop-Up Days with our two favorite people to have "field trip" time with, Karen and Eva!

First we hit up the rides with a kind-of-wild-for-young-kids roller coaster that didn't even seem to phase Jonas. That poker face didn't budge over the next few rides until the train warmed him right up. Then suddenly he was smiling and waving like he was the King.

Jonas had the cutest nervous-excited laugh whenever one of the petting zoo animals came up to us hoping for a food hand-out. He thought is was hilarious when the pig was eating an ice cream cone off the ground and holding the baby bunnies was his favorite.

In the evening we went to the wild show where Eva rode a camel by herself! Jonas' attention span only held out a few minutes until he alternately would try to escape and tease Eva by crowding her personal space so much he was practically sitting on her lap!

Last night Jonas and I went to the pet store and then to the new Frozen Yogurt spot in Lethbridge where Jonas ate exactly two bites of yogurt being too enticed by the colorful fish candies and then the yogurt covered raisins when those ran out.

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