Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Glorified Sweatpants Mom

Long before I even thought about having kids I've had a secret horror I would one day grow up to be a sweat pants mom.

I couldn't fathom having the will power to shower, dress and style myself if I had no obligations to present myself in public.

Well when I had Jonas we did go out a lot. Nearly every morning and afternoon involved an outing. Neither of us it turned out was a homebody. And so temporarily my sweat pants Mom fears were laid to rest. I had passed the test, or so I thought.

But now that our backyard is about the only place we get "out" and going downstairs to the basement feels like a "trip" my will power is crumbled.

Most mornings I reach for my exercise clothes or if they aren't clean then one of Matt's shirts or hoodies and basketball shorts or sweatpants (because I purged mine after having Jonas thinking I might fall victim to wearing them everyday).

Sometimes I do the snuggli-one-baby-and put the other- two-in-the-twin-stroller-thing to walk to Nana's or the park and then I at least smudge a little concealer under my eyes and throw on some jeans. But the truth is I detest the stares and questions I inevitably get from strangers. And as soon as one child starts to fuss, I'm done. My only option is to flee for home.

And so my decline. I hardly ever bother with makeup and sometimes I don't even run a comb or some product through my hair after a shower.

So while I am holding onto some of my birthday money in case I ever find a dress that is flattering, comfortable and modest for church (which hasn't happened in the last six years so it might be time to turn to a seamstress), I am allocating half to some "glorified" sweat pants Mom clothes.

And so if I'm going to resign myself to a sweat pants wearing Mom I might as well make it a glorified version. I think I have just enough will power and energy to muster that.


  1. Do it Royall! Sweatpants are NOT
    what they used to be! (Or maybe I've just turned into a sweatpants wearing Mom too!)

  2. Yes, Do it!! There are some really cute sweat pants and you have twins and a 2 year old!! You are amazing!!

  3. I love the one tooth paints, they are not as expensive as lulu lemon but just as comfortable and look just as amazing. There is one in Lethbridge.

  4. Do it! If anyone can "glorify" the sweatpants look, it is you! We are excited to see you guys next week- and the twins!

  5. Welcome to the other side Royall. I don't wear sweat pants (as in baggy elastic bottom type) but I love my stretchy exercise pants that go on as soon as I get back home from any outing. You will get back to regular outings when the boys are older! I treasure the days now where I get to stay home all day long with nothing to do (they don't happen often - and I kind of dread going back to that everyday once we have another baby).
