Monday, October 1, 2012


At last the long awaited day...

24 hours without children!!!

Matt and I's parents generously watched the boys so we could get away for a whole date day. We were giddy with excitement! But it did feel eerie to travel with a completely empty backseat!

We slept at Bri & Ashton's because their guest suite is better than any hotel I've stayed at!
And then we raided their kitchen to make a gala breakfast.

We had one of those rare shopping days where we found almost everything we were looking for, at  sale price and within two hours.

The dreaded swimsuit picture. I've lost 15 pounds. I need to lose another 15 by January.
Moving on.

Then after riding all the slides at West Ed I slicked my hair under a baseball cap (I've smoothly evaded having to choose between being a poser or following a baseball team by choosing a vintage team, the Chicago Whales) 
and we headed to our favorite Indian restaurant- Zaikas!

Then I got my haircut in Red Deer by Tarilynn who is a hair wizard.
I doubted temporarily when I saw her using scissors like a razor in my hair, convinced this was a 
wear it straight only cut.
But Saturday I let it airdry to survey the damage and...
my hair dried in an hour and a half!
and I liked the way it looked a lot!
and it looked even better a little later when I took a half hour walk with my boys in the wind!

That is magic.

I have never had such low maintenance hair in my life.
I seriously can't recommend her enough.

Matty and I took the boys to the Calgary Zoo where we met up with Karen and Eva, Amy and her boys and my parents.

It was 6 hours of fun which we paid for with grumpy, overtired children who wouldn't nap 
when we got home.

But it was worth it, especially for the penguins!

None of our children travel well. 
Matt and I finally caved and wore earplugs to soften the ringing Harker chorus in the back on the ride home.

But even that wasn't enough so we had to stop for a park break to let wiggles out.

Then we came home even more exhausted than when we left.


  1. I love this post! I'm pretty jealous you guys got to sleep on that amazing bed and dine at Zaika, their food is incredible. That's so great that you both got to have a break, it looks like it was a great time and you more than deserve it!

  2. Swimsuit picture = AWESOME!

    Earplugs picture = HILARIOUS!

  3. So fun! Love the hair- yes, Tarilynn truly is amazing. And just another good reason to come visit regularly! We so loved having the twins. They are so sweet. See you soon- Love, Mom ( Oh, and the swimsuit pic is adorable)

  4. so many things I love about this post. First a whole day for yourself, second your bathing suit pick, love the suit and you look amazing. Third your baseball hat, I can not pull off hats even a little bit and I am so jealous that you get to look that good in a hat. Fourth your ear plugs. And lastly something I don't love about this post, that we got to miss out, although it was probably nice for you guys to have just a day for you guys. We will meet up soon and it will be a blast. Almost got my costume ready. So glad you guys had such a great day.
