Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween: Part Three

Jonas has thrown himself whole-heartedly into this holiday.
Before the Halloween party he was refusing to get out of his car seat to get his dirty pull-up changed he was so excited.
And Jonas woke up this morning talking about Halloween. 
He was so excited he wanted to put his costume on for some treats right away. 
At the mall he had wide eyes as he soaked up all the Halloween action and after a few bites of supper he said"Hat on please" because he figured out real quick that those ears were his ticket to treats.

I love Halloween.
But I feel like I did Halloween three times over.
So onto Christmas.


  1. Love everything about your costumes. They are perfection. The twins are getting cuter and cuter everyday. Sad I missed seeing them, and I can't believe how big Jonas is getting, he is such a handsome boy. I agree Halloween was awesome this year but I am ready for Christmas now.

  2. Love the costumes! Jonas is a darling white rabbit, little white tail and all. The twins make such adorable tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum! And your flower garden skirt is definitely worth keeping!

  3. Those costumes are great! And we loved seeing you all last night, we're so glad you trick-or-treated by!
