Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Jonas at 6 months:
Height: 28 inches (94%)
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz (55%)

Harland at 6 months:
Height: 29.75 inches (above 95% percentile- HOLY SMOKERS!)
Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz  (in between 5 and 10%)

Rhett at 6 months:
Height: 27 inches (in between 50 and 75%)
Weight: 14 lbs (below 5%)

Just three months ago the twinners were virtually the exact same weight and height! Now I'm thinking by the time all three boys are teenagers that Harland will be the tallest (and skinniest)!


  1. I love the match up!

    I'm pretty sure Harland is going to be 7 feet tall!

  2. that is crazy. I can't believe how much taller Harland is then Rhett. OH and feel free to steal the photos from my blog, although none of them turned out amazing.
