Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Favorite Moments

My favorite moments from this week:

  • I left Jonas on the potty to make a clean underwear replenishing trip downstairs when I heard some loud shrieks upstairs. I go into the baby room to find Jonas buck-naked lying in the crib next to Rhett, who is absolutely delighted to have been woken up, and they are both smiling and squealing at the top of their lungs. Rhett has a special adoring look especially for Jonas. It seems to say "you are the bestest older brother a guy could have" and "I want to be you when I grow up" simultaneously. They have this chummy relationship that is so sweet to watch (Harland is getting there but he is a very observant little baby and I think he's observed a little too much reckless behaviour to have full trust one-on-one with Jonas yet).

  • Matt and I were sitting next to each other with Matt holding Harland when I look over and see Harland looking at me with the widest grin on his face. He then proceeded to hide in face in Matt's chest and then quickly whip back towards me and to do another huge grin, delighted I am still there. He repeated that twenty times. He was playing hide-and-go-seek which I have only tried playing with him a couple times and not recently. It was melt your heart adorable.

  • Jonas precariously standing on the arm of the couch with his back facing towards the couch shouted "Wook Mommy!" And fearlessly launched his body backwards so that he fell back on the couch completely straight. 

  • Today I pushed the babies in a stroller on the way to play group at the church while Jonas trotted at my side. It was a ways to walk and I was walking fast so Jonas was getting tired by the time we reached the church which was when he suggested a hug. So I gave him a little squeeze to my side. Then he asked for a "big hug" and I started to catch on that if I knelt down to give him a big hug he was going to get an iron grip on my neck until he was carried to the play group. Silly rabbit!

  • Reading books with Jonas for over an hour and he still didn't want to stop!


  1. Love all of these moments. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.

  2. I can just picture Jonas and Rhett partying in the crib! Hilarious!
