Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baby Gourmets

Thanks to Aunt Karen my babies have tried every kind of squash there is including a couple I have never heard. And thanks to my friend Dani they are soon to try exotic foodie flavours like curry lentils.

As usual my opposite twins have opposite reactions. Harland is very slow and methodical, taking time to examine the flavours and swallow his food. Rhett is shaking his arms uncontrollably and rocking to and fro while doing shark bites at thin air. When I give Harland a turn to have a spoonful (for every three Rhett spoonfuls!) he lunges at Harland's spoon. Then he carefully watches Harland's reaction as though to be sure he is eating the same food and not something tastier.

As we say around here "Silly Rhettles!"


  1. Haha! That describes exactly what happened when we fed them last Sunday!

  2. They have all grown so much! Darling, darling boys!
