Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Story Time and Grins

My Jolly Little Jumper

Harland has THE best grin- it's too bad he mostly saves it for Matt and I.
Then again maybe it's not.

While I was cleaning up the dishes Jonas said "story time" and then proceeded to educate Rhett all about trucks and turtles. 

Sometimes when Matt and I feel like we could not possibly survive another child we joke 
"Yep, the Harker gang is all here".

But then those jumps, and grins, and story times convince me I want a lot more of those moments!
And so more babies!
But maybe we'll take a few year break the better to enjoy those future moments!


  1. Oh my goodness, Jonas conducting story time and Harland smiles are my favourite! Love this.

  2. We are taking a few year break too and I dont have twins!! Those are such adorable pictures!! And preciuos moments!!
