Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I don't update often enough...

Jonas found Matty's work notepad on the kitchen table and decided to write speeding tickets for the babies.

Rhett loves animals and animal books so much. If he sees me parked on the couch he will bring me animal book after animal book after animal book. He can't get enough!

Jonas and Rhett love the play silks.
Actually Rhett loves anything dress-up!

Look at those theatrical hands!

Jonas uses his play silk as a cape of fire.

Identical expressions.

The puppy house. 
Two days ago Jonas pulled up a step stool to the front and grabbed a cash box. Rhett had to use a bus card to get on. It is hilarious the make believe games Jonas comes up with everyday now. 
That boy's imagination is on fire!

Jonas named this sculpture "Sunflower".

Harls is an artsy boy. He has a great concentration for coloring.

"Storm" or "Crash". 
Jonas started to use his paint plate to smash this design on his plate.

Jonas made this track by himself.

Peeping on the neighbors' truck.

Aunt Karen's juicing machine.
Direct quote: "Extra yummy!"
Unfortunately after the mint beet juice he hasn't tried another.
It was really gross!

Loves kale sesame chips.

His train.
He labored over the couplers.
It's a steam engine, tender and hopper car.
Later he heaped balls of soil for coal.


  1. I can't get enough of these boys! They are so adorable. Love the Jonas and Rhett matching expressions!

  2. Ditto Karen's comment! It is so much fun to see your boys growing up and starting to have so much fun together! That picture of Harland being a "sad mouse" is classic Harland. And flying Rhett in the cape is truly magical. Thank-you for sharing these precious moments with us! Love you, Mom
