Saturday, March 3, 2012

Birthday Boy is Turning 2

Instead of planning ahead and obsessing over decorating details we kept Jonas' birthday super low-key with our bestest Lethbridge buds Aunt Karen, Uncle Matt and Eva. I felt like having a simple party that was about what Jonas would truly enjoy (i.e. not a lot of people staring at him blowing out his candles). We went to the waterpark in the morning. We picked up an pre-made ice cream cake from DQ and then a few helium balloons in coordinating colors to make things a little more party festive. Then had hot dogs, chips, juice, and veggies for lunch. 
The waterpark was so much fun we're doing round two to tire the Jonas and his cousin Eva this evening after round two of birthday cake with Unkie Jordan and my Dad!


  1. love his new haircut he looks so grown up! Happy Birthday Jonas!

  2. Who is that cute little boy. He looks way too old to be MY Son.

  3. Ding dang! I meant to send you and Jonas a little birthday wish on his db-day - it was on my radar, then off, then on, and ont he I do want to send him a Happy Birthday though - belated!! Much Love an keep us posted on baby news!! XO

  4. Oops, typos above...more ding dang:))
