Thursday, March 8, 2012

Twin Delivery

Pro: They are going to stick an epidural needle in me as fast as they can when I go into labor (because they might have to go fishing for baby B and because apparently my first labor was quite fast for a first pregnancy so there might not be a wide window of time).

Con: The delivery is going to be a bit of a three-ring circus show with an audience of least 10 people outside of Matt and myself. Each of the babies and I get a couple of specialists and nurses a piece. It sounds intense but I guess that is just routine procedure for any twin delivery. Guess I'll have to put on a good show!

I wish I had a copy of the stick drawing the ultrasound technician drew of the babies' positioning on her report. Those cute funny little baby stick figures made my day. Baby A (Rhett we think) is sitting the lowest and his body is all stretched out. Baby B (Harland we think) has his head by Baby A's heart and his legs are curled up a little. Baby A is 3 pounds 6 ounces and Baby B is 4 pounds so I am already carrying more baby weight at 31 weeks than I did with Jonas full term. I'm getting an insane amount of movement from those boys. I could swear they are having play wrestling matches in there! Sometimes they both wind up with a solid simultaneous kick at my middle which makes me jump.

1 comment:

  1. wow.... I get anxious just hearing about twins! I can't wait to see them :)
