Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Last Month

Jonas-Haylen play-dates which are also like play-dates for me because I get to hang out with Dani!

Jonas is not the type to people-please by putting on a show for a crowd.
He decided after blowing out one candle at Grandma and Grandpa Low's house that the show was over.

Brushing his teeth is one of Jonas' favorite things to do.
He brings Matt and I our toothbrushes routinely to be sure we're keeping our teeth clean too!

Jonas has gone from sitting timidly in my lap at library-time to full out busting moves in the middle of the floor.

It helps that Eva and Aunt Karen are there too. They bring out the singer/dancer in him.

Jonas is so fast I can't wait to put him in a kids race this summer. 
He got his Daddy's muscular sprinting legs!

My fruit monster ate three big bananas in a row yesterday. True story.

Jonas has been talking a lot lately. Every night for a half hour or so he practices all his words in make-believe conversations in a happy little voice before he goes to sleep. It's so cute to listen to.
Jonas is also getting a lot more into independent play and imagination games lately. It seems like he is growing and learning so fast!


  1. I love the picture with one candle still burning on the cupcake! Definitely not a people pleaser! He looks stressed!

  2. THREE bananas in a row? I think even Jack would be impressed!

  3. I am loving the abundance of Jonas photos here. He's getting way too big, I need to visit soon!

  4. Wish I was there for the play dates and the shower. It looks like you are really getting ready for those 2 little ones to come. Jonas is going to be a great big brother. Hope you are still feeling good!! I love your belly picture. I hate taking belly pictures as well. It is true that your belly does not look big enough to be having two.

  5. Jonas is soooo cute..he's really grown! He's a 'kid' now, not a baby. I've been AMAZED at the food Sarra's kids can put away - it's startling! They eat really healthy but they can put it away on occasion! Nothing would surprise me!
