Thursday, December 9, 2010

9 months

* loves being kissed and giving funny open mouth kisses
* pulls himself up on everything
* likes feeding himself bits of salmon, cheese, toast and peas
* wants to be with me every single second of everyday which I find wildly flattering
* giggles when I eat his food off his tray or imitate his wild head shaking, hand slapping antics
* chases me when I crawl around the house
* thinks waking up is the best part of the day
* has had 10 hour sleeps the past three nights


  1. I see you got a fur blanket =) and Jonas is looking very cute and hansome
    love u

  2. Royall,
    I can't believe how BIG Jonas is looking! I'm DYING to see this kiddo before he gets much bigger. And just so you know (although I'm sure you do) He has the cutest nose!! I'm so glad to see Haylen isn't the only one who enjoys munchin on construction paper.
    p.s. Can you e-mail me or "blog me" your address so I can send you a christmas card?

  3. Such cute pictures.... I have totally slacked on the picture taking since Hailey was probably 11 mths. He is getting so big!
