Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Poor 'lil Sicky

Poor Jonas was very sick yesterday. At last the mystery of his miraculous reverence while we watched the First Presidency's Christmas message on Monday night was uncovered (but I still like to think he was feeling the spirit and enjoying the peaceful music too). Our baby was almost unrecognizable yesterday. Let me compare two very recent scenes.

Scenario 1: We are at church sitting in sacrament meeting. In an attempt to subdue our baby's lively spirits I gave him a pack of wet wipes to play with. Jonas absolutely hates when I wipe his face after he eats or when he was a runny nose, so what does our spunky little boy do? He takes that pack of wipes and he roughly rubs into my face over and over again like he is really relishing his opportunity to turn the tables. After Matt and I had let him have his fun for a minute (we were in danger of laughing out loud), Matt took him and Jonas repeated the treatment on him.

Scenario 2: Jonas lay listlessly on his back in my arms for an hour straight yesterday as I read aloud to him from one of my books. He hasn't laid in my arms like that since he was two months old and he hasn't sat still through a single baby book since he discovered he could crawl. He did make a cheeky attempt or two at pulling my hair, but his little arm fell limply by his side before he could reach it. I also caught him looking at me with a slightly annoyed look on his wrinkled brow a couple times as I was reading, as though he thought I was taking advantage of his weakness by enjoying myself with reading a book rather than trying to amuse him, or so I thought.

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