Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jonas Matthew

When Jonas went to the doctor as a young baby the older woman with a british accent doing the check-up declared in surprise "What a vigorous boy!" as this three-monther with ripped abs and pronounced deltoids swatted and kicked forcefully at her cold examining hands.

And that has become one of the words at the forefront of my mind to describe Jonas. 
He is strong and vigorous physically of course (also dare I add incredibly handsome) but he is a strong and vigorous boy inside as well. Perhaps that strength is what made Heavenly Father want to send him to our family first to be an example to his younger brothers.

He is so warm-hearted and loyal. It has been so special to watch him transform as he grows into his role of older brother.

I think Leah captured all those traits wonderfully in his photos!


  1. Jonas is without a doubt the most handsome boy I know. I can't wait for Macie and Jonas to really meet and fall madly in love with each other.

  2. What a stud! I love the shot from under the table. Leah is such a genius!

  3. The playing with Dad shots are so cute, he looks genuinely delighted!
