Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lehi's Family in the Wilderness

Ever since conference I've been wanting to more actively teach Jonas the scriptures. This week we have been learning about Lehi taking his family in to the wilderness. Every morning I talk about a couple pictures and then we act it out. Then Jonas watches the new short scripture story clips about Lehi on

On Tuesday and Wednesday Eva brought her drama game to kick things up another notch (just look how realistically she is sleeping!) We packed our bags with a blanket (the kids got really good at rolling the blankets), food, water, and a bow & arrow slung in the back. Then we travelled on our camels, hunted deer and bears, built a tent, cooked our food over the fire and rested for the night.


  1. love this idea, must remember for when Macie gets older. Sadly my husband will probably be the one better at thinking up creative ways to share the book of mormon stories.

  2. This is awesome. What a great idea! ( And I love Jonas in his little underwear!)

  3. What a great idea! I'm so glad I have such amazing sisters like you to show me how to be a great mom someday.

  4. What a fun mom/aunt! Eva is still talking about her adventures in the "wilderness"!
