Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rhett Roy

As Karen aptly put it the "Camera loves Rhett" and he in turn loves the camera.

Our joyful Rhett.
I couldn't have believed a little body could contain so much charisma and passion for living.
So charming, he charms the pants off himself in the mirror and so engaging even self-professed "non-baby people" can't wait to get their hands on that delightfully rounded little body for snuggles and smiles.


  1. However I see Macie and Rhett being a lot a like in personality. Loving the camera, loving other people, and loving to smile. It will be fun to see them play together as they get older, although with the same personality it could lead to some fights and no change of falling in love.

  2. He looks like a baby model in the third one!
