Monday, November 19, 2012

Photo Preview

I was so excited when Mom and Dad offered to pay for a family photographer for our Christmas present this year.

I didn't want jumped up prices or artificially posed pictures. I didn't want to stress about perfectly coordinated outfits that would pop on camera or moving a busy little family to a location where we couldn't drop everything and feed the babies or lay them down for a nap at a moments notice. I didn't want to stress about weather conditions or Jonas feeling uncomfortable around a stranger.

Most of all I wanted to capture what our family life is like right now, albeit with a clean house and a clean shirt!

Having Leah take family photos of us all going about the normal activities we do everyday in our home was so relaxed and enjoyable.

I can't wait to see how she captured Rhett admiring his pink little toes, Harland nestling down in my arms for a bottle and Matty and Jonas building a train track.

These are moments that make up the tapestry of our life right now.

Jonas summed it up really well at the end with "Had a lot of fun".


  1. I love the idea behind this and I can't wait to see the photos! Leah is so talented.

  2. This picture is priceless! Did Leah send it to you? I am dying to see more!

  3. I love this picture. I love how comfortable you all look, twins and all! Hard to believe that just a year ago you had no idea you were having twins! Can't wait to see more. . .
