Sunday, September 12, 2010

He's a HUGE Boy!

A little before Jonas was born I was picking up a few baby supplies when I heard a funny conversation in the next aisle. Apparently some parents and their two little boys were looking at toilet training potties. The mom said "Dylan gets to pick which toilet he will use because he is a big boy". Her older son who, judging from his cute squeaky voice couldn't have been older than five, corrected her, "He's a HUGE boy".

Now whenever people comment on how big Jonas is getting I find myself mentally correcting them, "Jonas isn't a big boy, he's a HUGE boy". Here are some pictures to prove it:

Today was his first time eating in his high chair. A few days ago he figured out how to muscle his way out of his bumbo.

I made this yummy applesauce this morning.

This boy looks so much like Matt did as a toddler! I still have claim to his mouth, eyes (but I share these with Matt), and his long arms, torso, and big hands. But the rest is of him is from his Dad.

I love the sight of those round rosy cheeks when he wakes up. One of Matt and I's favorite times with Jonas is the short moment of tranquility after he wakes up. He chatters pleasantly until you come in to get him. Then he smiles, rests his warm body against yours and wraps his arm around your shoulder. A few minutes later he is a "vigorous boy" again.