Friday, September 3, 2010

Hungry as a Hippo, Tall as a Giraffe

It turns out my baby hippo is actually a baby giraffe! Jonas was an exactly 50-50-50 percentile baby two months ago and now he is a 94-55-84 percentile baby.

Height: 28 inches 71 cm (94%)
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz (55%)
Head Circumference: 45 cm (84%)

The doctor actually made the nurse re-measure his length while she watched her! But the nurse was right! Jonas has had a super-growth spurt, which I sort of suspected (although not to that extent). Lately Matt and I keep noticing how long he looks when the other is holding him or when Jonas is stretching out in his bath. His Jolly Jumper has needed constant adjustment and he went from sleeping 8 hours or more at night from 3-4 months to eating at least twice a night from 4-6 months. At first I thought visiting family during the holidays had upset his sleep pattern but his rumbly little tummy said it was more than just that. I guess I can't begrudge my baby 2-3 night feedings if he's growing at hyper-speed!


  1. He is getting big! I noticed his legs hanging over the edge of his carseat last Sunday. I have no idea where Hailey is at since we haven't been in to the Dr. for 6 mths. She has her 1 yr needles on Thursday so we will find out then.

  2. Royall, your mom and I used to say that we could notice a difference when we picked one of you up in the morning out of your crib, that's you'd grown over night - and we believed it too! It's amazing.
