Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 Months Old


-stands and walks around with his hands on the furniture and walls
-likes to test his balance by letting go of his supports and standing on his own for a few moments at a time
-makes messes everywhere he goes, I don't think he even remembers how to play with toys anymore, once they are strewn across the floor he instantly loses interest and looks for something else to destroy
-was Mr. Super Kissy Face at the pool today, he kept trying to rub his open mouth on mine and then he would stick out his tongue and rub it all over my lips- I don't know what that was about
-pretty much only wants to eat finger food, this week he tried lentils, wild rice, cooked carrots and black beans for the first time
-laughs whenever I give him his inhaler which makes me suspicious the pharmacist accidentally gave me laughing gas (his inhaler is just for this month)
-loves to be the center of attention especially at family gatherings
-is interested in his cousins and other children
-loves dogs of ALL sizes, he starts to laugh hysterically if he thinks a dog is acting silly
- is such a precious little person with a distinct personality emerging: strong-willed, good-humored and warm-hearted

I just noticed as I was putting these photos up that Jonas wears collared button up shirts a lot, and I bought 2 new ones for when he is 18-24 months the other day. And yesterday when I was hanging up the new Gap shirts I bought (one each in chambray, white, and black) I realized I have a lot in my closet too and over the holidays I kept steering Matt towards long sleeve, collared, button up flannels. Clearly I am trying to make us a family of collared, buttoned up people, albeit with the cool cuff sleeve roll (cuff rolls and perfect t-shirt folds are permanently fused into my psyche after working at the Gap two years).


  1. So handsome. I love the sleeping pic with Grandpa. So precious. He seems like such a fun boy :)

  2. Royall, Jonas has changed so much - he's hardly a baby any more! He's really sweet. We are on the count down to our new grandchild - expected March 14th.

    We all LOVE the cute print you sent to Eli and Jen - Jen will admit to baby brain, I"m not sure thank you cards will emerge but rest assured that they love it - it's really cute! It meant a lot to think of them.
