Sunday, January 9, 2011

More Stoddard Family Pictures

I really like some of the family photos we got back from the photographer, which is impressive because most of us in the family (myself included) suffer from those terribly stiff self-conscious smiles that scream you are uncomfortable getting your picture taken. And cracking any smile whatsoever from either of my brothers in front of a camera is no mean feat. That said, I wish my hair didn't have to do battle with the wind as soon as we were outside! It definitely looked better indoors.

Mountains make my soul sing, Matt's and Dad's too.

I don't know if I look like myself here? But Jonas is so stinkin' cute in this picture I bet it's the one that gets framed.

Mom Harker knit Jonas this sweet little beanie to match his sweater as a Christmas present.

This picture makes me laugh- that is such a classic Colton expression!

I like how you can see a strong resemblance in our coloring- hair, eyes, skin, lips- in this photo.

I think my facial features take most after Dad.

Me and Amybean. 

I just love how when you grow up you realize that your parents and siblings are your best friends. And have been all along. I think there is definitely a good chance I hiked mountains with Dad, had personal gospel discussions with Mom, laughed with Jordan and Colton, and stuck close by Amy a lot in the 
pre-mortal existence.


  1. Um I am in love with your hair in these pictures. So I think wind or not, its pretty awesome. It makes me want long hair. I just love these family pictures.

  2. love the pic's Royall and being 100% honest the one pic you said you don't like of yourself, just before I read that comment I said to myself, man Royall looks so gorgeous in this picture.
