Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today I'm posting a card with this picture on the front to Mom Harker. She finished a half marathon at Disney World last Saturday! It took a lot of consistency, hard work, and time but she did it! What a great example for all of her children and grandchildren. I'm inspired to try a half-marathon sometime (but not until a period of my life when I can reasonably give whole mornings to training sessions!).

Certainly not this year, I've completed two of the six race events I set a goal to complete (the second one was a 5K in Edmonton on New Years Day) so I will have my hands full training for a 10K in March, a 5K in June, the triathlon in July and one other triathlon this summer.

Oh and after chasing after Jonas and taking photos as quick as I could snap them for twenty or so minutes I decided this picture, the first one I took was best! (sigh).

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